Churches Practicing Weekly Eucharist

Since weekly attendance at Sunday Eucharist is part of my Plan of Life, I thought others might wonder, “What Denominations celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday?”

Rev. Chris Probert of Christ Church in la Manche, Normandy, answered this very question, saying, “Roman Catholics, Orthodox, most Anglicans, many Lutherans, less commonly so among more Protestant communities.”

I would add the Moravian Church, the Reformed Church in America, and many churches within the United Church of Christ. You would have to check with your local church.

Requirements to participate also vary. In the Episcopal Church baptism is the only requirement. In the Roman Catholic Church you have to be a member of the Church, in a state of grace, and have fasted one hour before receiving Communion.

Published by

Br. Jay Paul

Hermits don't like to talk about themselves, but I suppose you want to know a little about me. I became a Christian in 1983, attended Bible school, and eventually earned a Doctorate in Ministry. I served as a Protestant minister for 27 years and also spent about a decade practicing Buddhism. In 2005, I was baptized into the Catholic Church, but have since joined the Episcopal Church. I live in the desert southwest of the United States with my wife and cat.